Previous issue
Regional Economic Integration in Asia: Challenges and Recommended Policies
Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Naoyuki Yoshino, Chul Ju Kim, Peter J. Morgan
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):1-9.
Cited By 3
Is Trade Integration Leading to Regionalization? Evidence from Cross-Country Network Analysis
C.T. Vidya, K.P. Prabheesh, Saahil Sirowa
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):10-38.
Cited By 6
Spillover Effects of Trade Shocks in the Central and Eastern European and Baltic Countries
Nazmus Sadat Khan
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):39-68.
Cited By 8
Can Environmental Regulations Drive International Trade? Lessons for Asia from the European Union’s Performance of Buildings Directive
Matthias Helble, Adam Majoe
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):69-90.
Cited By 2
South Asia’s Economic Integration with East Asia: An Exploratory Analysis with a Focus on India
Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Kaliappa Kalirajan
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):91-110.
Cited By 1
Stability of Money Demand Function in the SAARC Region: A Panel Co-Integration Approach
Rabindra Nepal, Nirash Paija
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):111-128.
Cited By 4
China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Nisit Panthamit, Chukiat Chaiboonsri
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):129-151.
Cited By 6
Economic Integration in Southeast Asia: The Case of the ASEAN Power Grid
Xunpeng Shi, Lixia Yao
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):152-171.
Cited By 5
Energy Trade and Economic Integration between the Commonwealth Independent States and China
Ehsan Rasoulinezhad
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):172-190.
Cited By 3
Financial Integration and Economic Growth: Should Asia Emulate Europe?
Sonia Kumari Selvarajan, Rossazana Ab-Rahim
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2020 March;35(1):191-213.
Cited By 8
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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