Instructions for Authors
Submission to this journal proceeds online as you are guided stepwise at
Ethics and Courtesy
- Manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and must not be submitted elsewhere for publication.
- In case of plagiarism and unjust manipulation of results, the publication shall be cancelled and any manuscripts of that author shall not be considered by the editorial board for possible publications for the next three years.
- Econometric and mathematical results should be replicated and provided in electronic form.
- When providing supplementary material, make sure to exclude any information regarding the author(s).
- Please do not contain violation of any existing copyright or other third-party right or any material of an obscene, indecent, libelous or otherwise unlawful nature and that to the best of your knowledge the article does not infringe the rights of others.
- Please write your article in good English. To avoid unnecessary errors, you are strongly advised to use the spell-check and grammar-check functions of your word processor.
You will need to upload for blinded peer-review
i) A manuscript file with no identifying author information or acknowledgements
ii) A separate file consisting of a title page with the name and affiliation of the author(s), full correspondence address and any acknowledgments, followed by the article itself. The text must be double-spaced (or 1.5 lining space) and Time Roman with a font size of 12-point is preferred.
iii) We strongly recommend manuscripts not exceed 50 pages for double-spaced manuscripts (40 pages for 1.5 lining space). The suggested length includes reference lists, figures, and tables (excluding Appendix).
iv) When providing supplementary material, make sure to exclude any information regarding the author(s).
Title Page
Author names and affiliations: Upper- and lower-case letters
Provide the author(s) name, job title (professor, researcher, Ph.D candidate, etc), and full postal address, including the country name, the e-mail address, phone and fax number of each author as a footnote to author's names. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main affiliation address.
Corresponding: Author name: Job title, Division, Institute or University, full postal address, Tel: 000-00-000, Email ***@***.***
Co-Author: Co-author name: Author name: Job title, Division, Institute or University, full postal address, Tel: 000-00-000, Email: ***@***.***
Classification codes: Please provide up to 6 standard JEL codes. The available codes may be accessed at JEL at
Main body
Citations: For your in-text citations, please following the guideline provide in the table below.
Non-acceptable |
Acceptable |
(Smith 2018) |
(Smith, 2018) |
(Smith 2018, Jones 2014) |
(Jones, 2018; Smith, 2018) |
(Smith and Jones, 2018) |
(Smith and Jones, 2018) |
(Smith et al, 2018) |
(Smith et al., 2018) |
Please italicize the following words: inter alia, ex ante, vice versa, ceteris paribus, ad-valorem, via-a-vis, per se, p-value, t-test, z-test, R-squared, R2, log, ln (natural log), all variables and equations
Please follow the APA 6th Referencing and Citation styles.
Artwork, Illustration, Video data
We accepts all materials such as artwork, illustrations, video data to support your scientific research. Authors are encouraged to include these within the body of the article. Please indicate in the body text where it should be placed. All submitted files should be properly labeled with a preferred maximum size of 50MB Video and animation files supplied will be published online in the electronic version of your article at
Since video and animation cannot be embedded in the print version of the journal, please provide text for both the electronic and the print versoin for the portions of the article that refer to this content.
If possible, all artwork and illustrations will be both in the printed version and in the electronic version.
Supplementary materials for referees
We strongly encourage authors to provide supplementary materials for detailed calculations and explanations for referees, not for publications. It will reduce the procedure time. All submitted files should be properly labeled with a preferred maximum size of 50MB.
Spelling and hyphenation
Refer to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary and The Chicago Manual of Style.
Upon Acceptance
Upon acceptance of an article, authors are automatically regarded as permitting the widest possible dissemination of information.
Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received.
To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here, CEI_COPYRIGHT AND CONSENT FORM.
Use of the Digital Object Identifier
The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character astring which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon the initial electronic publication. The assigned DOI never changes. When you use a DOI to create links to documents on the web, the DOIs are guaranteed never to change.
One set of page proofs (as PDF files) will be sent to the corresponding author. Please let us have all your corrections within 48 hours. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.
The corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail.
Running title
It consists of the author's last name and a shortened title limited to 50 characters. Three authors should be separated by commas, for more than three, use the first author's surname followed by et al.
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
Journal of Economic Integration is indexed by ESCI,
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