Editorial Board
Editor |
Wonmun Shin |
Sejong University, Republic of Korea |
Co-Editors |
Gee Hee Hong |
International Monetary Fund |
Kyeongbae Kim |
Sejong University, Republic of Korea |
Board of Editors |
Alan V. Deardorff | | University of Michigan Ann Arbor, USA |
Anna Maria Ferragina | | University of Salerno, Italy |
Anne O. Krueger | | John Hopkins University, SAIS, USA |
António Portugal Duarte | | University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Bang Nam Jeon | | Drexel University, USA |
Barry Eichengreen | | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Danny Quah | | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Elhanan Helpman | | Harvard University, USA |
Evžen Kočenda | | Charles University, Czech Republic |
Florence Huart | | University of Lille, France |
Gabriel Felbermayr | | Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Austria |
Gene Grossman | | Princeton University, USA |
Hyun Song Shin | | Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland |
Irwin Collier | | Bard College Berlin, Germany |
Jeffrey Frankel | | Harvard University, USA |
Jong-Eun Lee | | Sejong University, Republic of Korea |
Jong-Wha Lee | | Korea University, Republic of Korea |
Konrad Czernichowski | | Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Poland |
Kym Anderson | | University of Adelaide, Australia |
Maria Persson | | Lund University, Sweden |
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin | | Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey |
Minoas Koukouritakis | | University of Crete, Greece |
Pao-Li Chang | | Singapore Management University, Singapore |
Paul Schure | | University of Victoria, Canada |
Philippe De Lombaerde | | United Nations University, Belgium |
Richard Baldwin | | Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland |
Yoshimichi Murakami | | Kobe University, Japan |
Managing Editor |
Sojung Lee |
Sejong University, Republic of Korea |
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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