Previous issue
South - East Asian Integration in the Context of OIC: Implications of Free Trade among Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh
Mustafa Acar, Savas Alpay, Esat Bakimli, Zehra Zümrüt Koc
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):1-18.
Cited By 2
Transparency and Catching Up in a Monetary Union
Marcelo Sánchez
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):19-52.
Explaining Trade Flows: Traditional and New Determinants of Trade Patterns
Julien Gourdon
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):53-86.
Cited By 8
A Forewarning Indicator System for Financial Crises: the Case of Six Central and Eastern European Countries
Irène Andreou, Gilles Dufrénot, Alain Sand-Zantman, Aleksandra Zdzienicka-Durand
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):87-115.
Cited By 7
Impacts of Free Trade Agreement on US State Vegetable and Fruit Trade Flows
David Karemera, Paul Reinstra-Munnicha, Joseph Onyeocha
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):116-134.
Cited By 1
Profitability of Technical Analysis in the Singapore Stock Market: before and after the Asian Financial Crisis
James J. Kung, Wing-Keung Wong
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):135-150.
Cited By 8
Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Balance of Payments: Channels of Interaction in Developing and Developed Countries
Magda Kandil
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):151-174.
Cited By 7
Productivity Shocks and Nominal Exchange Rate Variability: a Case Study of Pakistan
Muhammad Zakaria, Eatzaz Ahmad
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2009 March;24(1):175-189.
Cited By 2
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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