Previous issue
Global Economic Integration and Land Use Change
Alla Golub, Thomas Hertel
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):463-488.
Cited By 13
RTAs and WTO Compatibility: Catch Me If You Can? The Case of EPA Negotiations
Lucian Cernat, Bonapas Onguglo, Taisuke Ito
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):489-517.
Trade Facilitation and the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements
Maria Persson
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):518-546.
Cited By 22
China's Real Exchange Rate Puzzle
Rod Tyers, Jane Golley
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):547-574.
Cited By 5
Armington Meets Melitz: Introducing Firm Heterogeneity in a Global CGE Model of Trade
Fan Zhai
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):575-604.
Cited By 72
Trade Policy in Australia and the Development of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling
Peter B. Dixon
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):605-630.
Cited By 9
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Water Use: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
Maria Berrittella, Katrin Rehdanz, Richard Tol, Jian Zhang
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):631-655.
Cited By 18
Textile and Apparel Barriers and Rules of Origin: What's Left to Gain after the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing?
Alan K. Fox, William Powers, Ashley Winston
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):656-684.
Cited By 1
Methods to Aggregate Import Tariffs and their Impacts on Modeling Results
Janine Pelikan, Martina Brockmeier
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):685-708.
Cited By 7
Economic Evaluation of Public Policies Aiming the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Brazil
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Fi, Marcelo Theoto Rocha
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):709-733.
Cited By 3
Do Remittances Have a Flip Side? A General Equilibrium Analysis of Remittances, Labor Supply Responses and Policy Options for Jamaica
Maurizio Bussolo, Denis Medvedev
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2008 September;23(3):734-764.
Cited By 11
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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