Previous issue
Competitiveness and the External Trade of Greece in the 1990s: A Cross-Sectoral Investigation
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):1-30.
Immigration, Trade Costs and Trade: Gravity Evidence for Greece
Andromachi S. Piperakis, Chris Milner, Peter W. Wright
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):1-13.
Capital Mobility and Poverty Traps in a Convex Model of Growth
Christopher Tsoukis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):1-17.
The EU's New Economic Geography after the Eastern Enlargement
Helena Marques, Hugh Metcalf
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):1-15.
FDI and the Process of European Integration A Brief Overview
A. Soci
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):607-625.
Cited By 1
The Maastricht Criteria and the Euro: Has the Convergence Continued?
Wolfgang Polasek, Christian Amplatz
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):661-688.
Cited By 5
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the European Union
Argiro Moudatsou
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):689-707.
Cited By 18
Labour Market Reform and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in EMU
Andrew Hughes Hallett, Nicola Viegi
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):726-749.
Cited By 3
Macroeconomic Effects of Reallocation Shocks: A Generalised Impulse Response Function Analysis for Three European Countries
Theodore Panagiotidis, Gianluigi Pelloni, Wolfgang Polasek
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):794-816.
The Determinants of Small Firm Growth in the Greek Manufacturing Sector
F. Voulgaris, D. Asteriou, G. Agiomirgianakis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):817-836.
Cited By 16
Demand Elasticities In Turkey
Huseyin Ozer
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2003 December;18(4):837-852.
Cited By 1
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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