Previous issue
Regional Integration and Productivity Growth: The Case of EU
Helena Johansson
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):1-20.
Cited By 3
A Dynamic Evaluation of the Effects of A Free Trade Area of the Americas-An Intertemporal, Global General Equilibrium Model
Xinshen Diao, Agapi Somwaru
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):21-47.
Cited By 7
International R&D Spillovers and Convergence Among OECD Countries
Mark F. Funk
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):48-65.
Cited By 9
Multinational Corporations and Industrial Employment
Hamid Beladi, Ralph Frasca
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):67-77.
Cited By 1
Discriminatory Consequences of Non-discriminatory Standards
Aaditya Mattoo
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):79-105.
Industrial Specialisation and Public Procurement: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Marius Brülhart, Federico Trionfetti
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):106-127.
Cited By 19
Optimal Currency Basket Pegs for Developing and Emerging Economies
Joseph P. Daniels, Peter G. Toumanoff, Marc von der Ruhr
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):128-145.
Cited By 2
Funktionelles, neuropsychologisches und soziales Outcome polytraumatisierter Patienten mit schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
U. Lehmann, W. Gobiet, G. Regel, S. Al Dhaher, B. Krah, K. Steinbeck, H. Tscherne
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2001 March;16(1):552-560.
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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