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The Journal of Economic Integration 2005 September;20(3) :475-496.
Location Determinants of Japanese Multinationals in Poland: Do Special Economic Zones Really Matter for Investment Decisions?

Andrzej Cielik Michael Ryan

Warsaw University
Western Michigan University
Copyright ©2005 The Journal of Economic Integration
We investigate the location determinants of Japanese multinationals in Poland using a regional data set from 1991 to 2001. Special attention is placed on the geographically targeted investment incentives (Special Economic Zones, SEZs) that were created during this period. Controlling for a more comprehensive set of region-specific characteristics than previously employed to evaluate SEZ importance, we find that our results are broadly consistent with previous FDI location choice studies. However, unlike other studies, the SEZ measure’s statistical significance disappears when we control for a number of additional regional characteristics.

JEL Classification
F23: Multinational Firms; International Business
P33: International Trade, Finance, Investment, Business, and Aid
Keywords: Japanese multinationals | Location choice | Poland | Special Economic Zones
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