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The Journal of Economic Integration 2013 September;28(3) :375-392.
China-Japan-Korea FTA: A Dual Track Approach to a Trilateral Agreement

Srinivasa Madhur

Cambodia Development Resource Institute(CDRI), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Corresponding Author: Srinivasa Madhur ,Tel: +855 238881701, Fax: +855 23880734, Email:
Copyright ©2013 The Journal of Economic Integration
This paper argues that a China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CJK FTA) will have large benefits to the three Northeast Asian countries and significant implications for global multilateral trade. However, several hurdles seem to make an expeditious completion of a CJK FTA, or even bilateral FTAs between Japan and China or between Japan and Korea extremely difficult. Thus, a pragmatic approach would be to follow a dual-track approach in which China and Korea fast-track the completion of a bilateral FTA between them and the three countries continue their negotiations for a trilateral FTA on a steady track. Neither of these attempts should, however, deter these countries from joining the larger multilateral deals they are pursuing such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) or the Transpacific Partnership (TPP).

JEL Classification
F15: Economic Integration
Keywords: Free Trade Agreements | Preferential Trade Agreements | Regionalism | Multilateralism
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