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The Journal of Economic Integration 2013 June;28(2) :354-374.
French Firms Penetrating Asian Markets : Role of Export Spillovers

Sandra Poncet Florian Mayneris

Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 and CEPII, Paris, France
Université catholique de Louvain, IRES, CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Corresponding Author: Sandra Poncet ,Tel: +33 142755517, Fax: +33 142755503, Email:
Copyright ©2013 The Journal of Economic Integration
In this study, we explore the role of export spillovers on the capacity of French firms to penetrate Asian markets. We confirm previous results, that is, the presence of other exporters raises the probability that firms start exporting a given product to a given country in the case of France. We find that export spillovers are more important for exports to Asia than to other destinations. Moreover, the presence of other exporters appears particularly beneficial to small and less productive firms. More intense benefits for start-up companies are observed in tough Asian markets characterized by low GDP per capita and tough administrative procedures on imports.

JEL Classification
F14: Empirical Studies of Trade
R12: Size and Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity
L25: Firm Performance: Size, Diversification, and Scope
Keywords: Extensive margin of trade | Spillovers | FDI
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