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The Journal of Economic Integration 2013 March;28(1) :144-182.
ASEAN-New Zealand Trade Relations and Trade Potential: Evidence and Analysis

Sayeeda Bano Yoshiaki Takahashi Frank Scrimgeour

The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Corresponding Author: Sayeeda Bano ,Tel: +64 7 8384931, Fax: +64 7 8384331, Email:
Copyright ©2013 The Journal of Economic Integration
This study examines the development of trade between ASEAN and New Zealand. Indices of trade intensity and trade potential are used to analyse the intensity of existing trade for the period 1980~2010 and trade potential going forward. This is the first use of the trade potential method to assess the trade potential between New Zealand and ASEAN across industries. The results show significant potential for future growth in specific export sectors and demonstrate changing trade patterns between New Zealand and ASEAN members. Our findings also show that New Zealand-ASEAN trade has intensified over the years, even if it has been marked by fluctuations. This study also highlights development of Australian trade with ASEAN in the context of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA. Our findings have implications for the integration of ASEAN with Australia and New Zealand.

JEL Classification
F10: General
F02: International Economic Order
F13: Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations
F14: Empirical Studies of Trade
F15: Economic Integration
E63: Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Stabilization; Treasury Policy
Keywords: International Trade | Economic Integration | Trade Intensity | Trade Potential | ASEAN | Australia | New Zealand | FTA | CER | CEP | TPP | AANZFTA
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