Previous issue
US Trade and Access to Trade Facilitating Services in Partner Countries: An Empirical Analysis
Richard J. Cebula, Joy Mazumdar, Usha Nair-Reichert
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):411-432.
The EMU Integration Structure and the Spillover Dynamics Towards the IAS Harmonization
G. A. Karathanassis, V. I. Sogiakas, S. Spiliotis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):433-462.
Hedging Effectiveness in Energy Market during Economic Crisis: Better Way to Integration
Aristeidis Samitas, Ioannis Tsakalos, Nikolaos Eriotis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):463-476.
Cited By 1
How to Develop the Periphery?: The Regional Integration Case of Basso-Ferrarese in Italy
N. Melloni, G. Palmieri, A. Soci
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):477-498.
How Different are FDI and FPI Flows?: Distance and Capital Market Integration
Rabin Hattari, Ramkishen S. Rajan
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):499-525.
Cited By 32
Trade Flows, Financial Linkage, and Business Cycles in Latin America
Magda Kandil
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):526-553.
Cited By 5
FDI and Economic Growth: Causality for the EU and ASEAN
Argiro Moudatsou, Dimitrios Kyrkilis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):554-577.
Cited By 26
Globalization, Labour Market Segmentation, Unemployment and Wage Inequality: A Theoretical Analysis
Rakhi Banerjee, Ranjanendra Narayan Nag
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2011 September;26(3):578-599.
Cited By 3
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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