Previous issue
The Path of European Institutional and Economic Integration: What Lessons for Latin America?
Ettore Dorrucci, Stefano Firpo, Marcel Fratzscher, Francesco Paolo Mongelli
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):217-251.
Cited By 6
Trade Patterns and Welfare
Roberto A. De Santis, Frank Stähler
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):252-262.
Strategic Services Policies and International Trade Integration in Vietnam
Alberto Gabriele
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):263-293.
Cited By 1
Trading Blocs and Market Performance under Duopolistic Competition
R. Scott Hacker, Qaizar Hussain
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):294-317.
Economic Integration, Non-tariff Barriers and Social Welfare
Aitor Calo-Blanco, José Méndez Naya
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):318-328.
Cited By 2
Global Intermediate-Good Price Stickiness and the Determinants of the Real Effects of Monetary and Government Spending Shocks
Yong-Yil Choi
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):329-346.
Dynamic Fiscal Policies and Endogenous Growth
Hyun Park, Apostolis Philippopoulos
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):347-365.
Strategic Buying or Selling?: The Behavior of Vertically-Integrated Firms in the Intermediate Goods Market
Kuang-Cheng Wang, Hui-Wen Koo, Tain-Jy Chen
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):366-382.
Cited By 1
The Linkage between Financial Liberalization and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from Poland
Ewa Andriesz, Dimitrios Asteriou, Keith Pilbeam
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):383-399.
Cited By 5
Some Implications of Trade Liberalization for Choice of Trading Partners
Michael J. Ryan
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 June;20(2):400-417.
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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