Previous issue
Growth Effects of "Heterogeneous" Economic Integration: the Example of EMU Enlargement
Helmut Wagner
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):623-649.
Cited By 7
North-South Trade, Knowledge Spillovers and Growth
Rod Falvey, Neil Foster, David Greenaway
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):650-670.
Cited By 20
Firm Location, Trade and Economic Integration
Joaquín Andaluz, Agustín Gil
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):671-686.
Cited By 2
International Outsourcing in a Two-Sector Heckscher-Ohlin Model
Hartmut Egger
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):689-709.
Cited By 7
Global Sourcing and Relative Wages with A Nontradable Good
Yong-Yil Choi
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):710-723.
How Integrated Were Foreign Exchange Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region in the Past?: Evidence from the Parallel Market
Rukmani Gounder, Kunal Sen
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):724-744.
Cited By 1
Regional Integration of Stock Markets in Latin America
Richard Heaney, Vince Hooper, Martin Jaugietis
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):745-760.
Cited By 16
Determinants of Capital Structure in India (1990-1998): A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Saumitra N. Bhaduri
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):761-776.
Cited By 21
The Impact of Transparency on Foreign Direct Investment
Zdenek Drabek, Warren Payne
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):777-810.
Cited By 77
Multilateral Tariff Negotiations when Production is Fixed
José Méndez Naya, Luciano Méndez Naya
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):811-825.
Convergence in International Output: Evidence from Panel Data Unit Root Tests
Mark J. Holmes
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2002 April;17(4):826-838.
Cited By 6
Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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