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French, German, and Japanese FDI on Intra-East Asian Trade
K.C. Fung, Nathalie Aminian, Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Hitomi Iizaka, Francis Ng
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2013 June;28(2):327-353.
Abstract PDF Links
Special Issue on the Integration between Asia and Europe
K.C. Fung, Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Andre Sapir, Jong-Eun Lee
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2013 June;28(2):201-203.
Abstract PDF Links
European Economic Integration and the Effectiveness of Employment Policies
K.C. Fung, Chelsea C. Lin, Andrea M. Maechler
The Journal of Economic Integration. 2005 September;20(3):419-438.
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